Sunday, January 21, 2018

Moving Day!

I started taking a children's literature class and it's made me remember how much I love children's literature. I've thought of deleting this blog on and off since I have been so spotty with posting in the last year or so. But I could never let it go because I really do love it. So I'm rededicating myself to posting about the books I read on my own and with my children, and will probably share some things I learn in my class.

But even worse than my inconsistency in posting, my experience with Blogger has been difficult the last couple of years. So I also finally did something else I've meant to do for a while. I moved to Wordpress. It really wasn't hard to do--all of the old content from Tesseract Books on Blogger is now on Tesseract Books on Wordpress. And it looks prettier too.

Come make the move with me:

The New and Improved Tesseract Books Blog

Thursday, January 18, 2018

Shades of Milk and Honey by Mary Robinette Kowal

Shades of Milk and Honey by Mary Robinette Kowal is a Jane Austen novel with a little bit of magic thrown in. I think it's marketed for adults, but its content is all appropriate for young adults. It's a great book for lovers of Jane Austen or to recommend to a younger reader in your life who you'd love to introduce to Jane Austen. Though Kowal follows a lot of the same conventions and style choices as Jane Austen, it's more accessible because the language is easier for modern readers.

Kowal started her career as a puppeteer and used her skills in a book trailer for Shades of Milk and Honey:


Shades of Milk and Honey
by Mary Robinette Kowal
Publisher: Tom Doherty Associates
Year: 2011
Ages/Themes: Young Adult, Magic, Romance, Relationships, Fantasy, Books for Girls