Friday, June 3, 2016

Thunder Boy Jr. by Sherman Alexie

Thunder Boy Jr. is named after his dad. His dad's nickname is Big Thunder, which sounds like something awesome. But Thunder Boy Jr.'s nickname is Little Thunder, which sounds like a burp or a fart. Thunder Boy Jr. is a book about the meaning of names, about fitting in with your family and finding your own identity.

Sherman Alexie is an important American author. I think everyone should read his works. So I was excited to find he had written a children's picture book. My girls loved this book too. They enjoyed the play with words and names. You can read this book for fun, or you can use it to open up a conversation about family names and identity.

Thunder Boy Jr.
By Sherman Alexie
Illustrated by Yuyi Morales
Publisher: Little, Brown and Company
Year: 2016
Ages/Themes: Young Children, Picture Books, Diverse Books, Family

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