Friday, September 25, 2015

Welcome to Tesseract Books

A recent series of rejections and frustrations led me to think about what I really like to do. Well, that was obvious. I like to read. I like a few other things too, but reading is my passion. I occasionally read books for adults, but mostly I read children's literature. From the chewed up board books my toddler asks me to read time and time again (by bringing them to me and climbing in my lap), to the books I read aloud to my kids, to the middle grade and young adult novels I choose because I like them best.

Because I'm known as someone who loves books and always has, I'm often asked for book recommendations for kids. So here it is: my ultimate list of great books for children of all ages, and people of all ages who love children's literature.

Oh, wait. So far I have exactly zero books listed here. Better get reading.

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