Monday, May 16, 2016

Samanthasaurus Rex by B.B. Mandell

I went to the library without my youngest two children on Saturday. When I brought home the books, my four-year-old grabbed this one from the pile and exclaimed, "Oh, I love this one!" Since it's newly published, she had never even seen this one before. But that speaks to the power of a good cover and fun illustrations.

Samanthasaurus Rex is a T-rex who just doesn't act like a T-rex. She uses her brain instead of her brawn and feels like she might be a disappointment for her family. But then she has the chance to use her smarts and find a place in her family, even though she's different.


Samanthasaurus Rex
By B.B. Mandell
Illustrated by Suzanne Kaufman
Publisher: Balzer & Bray
Year: 2016
Ages: Picture Books, Young Children

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