Thursday, July 21, 2016

Where the Wind Leads by Vinh Chung

Let me start by saying that this book is written for adults. It is not intended for a YA audience. This book is the story of Vietnam refugees and talks about a lot of difficult things. War, killings, beheadings, rape, miscarriage, dehydration, starvation. But none of it gratuitous or graphic. It's up to you if you think your older teen is mature enough to read a book with these elements in them. Even so, I highly recommend this book to anyone with the maturity to handle it.

Where the Wind Leads is the story of a family of refugees who escaped from Vietnam in 1979. The story of what they overcame before, during, and after that time is incredible, heartbreaking, and inspiring.

This book is important in that it can help you understand another human experience and make you profoundly grateful for what you've been blessed with. This book is also timely because though the details are different, the issue of refugees is very much relevant today. This would be a good book to read and discuss with your older teen, or to just read on your own if your children are still too young.


Where the Wind Leads
By Vinh Chung with Tim Downs
Publisher: W Publishing Group
Year: 2014
Ages/Themes: Young Adult Books, Diverse Books, Refugees

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