Wednesday, February 17, 2016

Alcatraz versus the Scrivener's Bones by Brandon Sanderson

I recently reviewed the first book in this series, Alcatraz versus the Evil Librarians by Brandon Sanderson. I wasn't going to review this one too because they are very similar. The plot is different, but many of the characters are the same, the writing style is fun, and it's a little bit ridiculous but funny.

I was an English Lit major and so I don't think of myself as a prude when it comes to what I read, but I do want to be careful about what my kids read and what I recommend to other people. I used to rely on Young Adult literature to be free of sex, drugs, and language. But more and more this is not the case.

I read Alcatraz versus the Scrivener's Bones right after I started and had to stop reading four different young adult books because of content. So I really appreciated this book, knowing that it was clean, and that I could recommend it to anyone to read. Alcatraz might not be for everyone, but I can recommend it to anyone.


Alcatraz versus the Scrivener's Bones
By Brandon Sanderson
Publisher: Scholastic
Year: 2009
Ages: Middle Grade, Young Adult Books, Books for Boys

You can find this book on Amazon (affiliate link) or at your local independent bookstore.

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