Friday, February 5, 2016

Louise, the Adventures of a Chicken by Kate DiCamillo

Before rest time each afternoon this week, my four-year-old daughter and I have gone on an adventure with a chicken. Louise the chicken longs for adventure and often finds it. Though in the end she always yearns for the safety and comfort of home.

When we finished, my daughter asked what Louise will do if she wants to go on another adventure. I said she'd probably go on one, but will always return home. And then I made her promise to do the same when she's older--always return home to her mom after going out on adventures. She can write her own name now, so I really need to start getting her to sign these promises she's making me.

Kate DiCamillo is a great children's author. What I like about her books is that she has many short chapter books to start kids on (check out the Mercy Watson books). Even this picture book came in four chapters, which made it fun for my daughter to be able to wonder about what happens next and be excited for a new chapter each day.


Louise, the Adventures of a Chicken
By Kate DiCamillo
Illustrated by Harry Bliss
Publisher: Joanna Colter Books
Year: 2008
Ages: Young Children, Picture Books, Early Readers

Find this book on Amazon (affiliate link) or at your local independent bookstore.

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