Wednesday, February 3, 2016

Guest Review: The False Prince by Jennifer A. Nielsen

I've had this book on hold at the library for weeks, and finally got it today. I'm excited to start reading it, especially after hearing about how great the series is from Katie*, who wrote this review:


New York Times Bestseller, The False Prince by Jennifer A. Nielsen, is my current favorite book. I read it within a week and then had to read the second, followed by the third. The Ascendance Trilogy is filled with action, lies, friendship, and a hint of romance.

The first book features four orphaned boys who are collected by a man named Conner. His plan is to install one boy on the throne to impersonate the long lost prince of Carthya. Forced to go along with his plan of treason, the boys each must decide whether to lie or to face death.

All three of the books have nice short chapters that help the story move along quickly without dragging it out. I would recommend this thrilling series of books for middle school aged kids and up.

The False Prince
By Jennifer A. Nielsen
Publisher: Scholastic Press
Year: 2012
Ages: Middle School and older

*Katie is a fantasy writer, avid reader, violinist, and high school student.

Find this series on Amazon (affiliate link) or at your local independent bookstore.

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