Friday, April 29, 2016

Literacy Tip: Let Your Kids See You Reading

I've had a long week. I had a long to do list on Monday and had the kind of week where I just had to keep adding things. Even though it's Friday, I've barely made a dent in it. So to keep things light here, for both you and me, I want to share a quick literacy tip.

You read it in the title: just let your kids see you reading. Books, ebooks, magazines, articles. Let them see you read and enjoy reading. Show them that reading is important to you. Kids want to do everything their parents are doing, so give them good reading habits to imitate.

Today my four-year-old noticed me reading and we had this conversation:

N: You like to read all the time, Mom.

Me: Yes, I love reading.

N: But you read your books in your head because you don't know all the words.

Me: Actually, I just like to read to myself and I think the words in my head, but I know most the words.

N: Oh. And we would get really annoyed if you read your books out loud all the time.

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