Wednesday, November 25, 2015

Good Night Books

This is the time of year when it's especially hard to live far away from family. I've been known to complain about it. I've also been known to complain about the temperature still being in the 80s in November. But this is also the time of year to remember what we're grateful for. I'm grateful for books, obviously. I'm also grateful for all the experiences I've had by living in many different places. There are certainly downsides to moving a lot, but there is much to be thankful for too.

We celebrate some of the places we've lived with the Good Night Books. My sister who lives in Minnesota got us our first one so my kids could know a little bit more about where their cousins live. And we have collected more of them for some of the places we've lived: Florida, Oregon, Washington, and Utah. (We've also lived in Idaho, but they don't have that one yet.) Each book takes kids through a day around the state, eventually saying good night to the things and places that make the state unique.

Before moving to Florida I never even wanted to visit the state. But if we'd never moved to Florida, we would not know the friends we have now. We would have never picked an orange off a tree, dipped our toes in the warm water off the coast, witnessed awesome thunder and lightning storms, or cooked our Thanksgiving turkey on our charcoal grill.

What are you thankful for about where you live this Thanksgiving?


Good Night Books
By various authors
Click here for more information
Info: board books, color illustrations
Ages: Young Children, Picture Books

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