Monday, November 9, 2015

Snowflakes Fall by Patricia MacLachlan

I know, I know. Many of you don't want to think about snow yet. But for Florida kids, snow holds a special, magical place in their imaginations year round. Two of my three children have seen snow, but they remember more it through pictures than their actual memory. Today we have record breaking heat once again and all I really want is for it to be cool enough to wear pants. I'm settling for reading about snow inside my air conditioned house.

Snowflakes Fall was written by Patricia MacLachlan after illustrator Steven Kellogg told her of the sadness he felt after the Sandy Hook Elementary tragedy which was in his hometown. The writing feels like poetry; the illustrations are beautiful. Though the focus is on the snow, it covers all the seasons. It's about the uniqueness of each snowflake and every child, and about remembering them.


Snowflakes Fall
By Patricia MacLachlan
Illustrated by Steven Kellogg
Publisher: Random House
Year: 2013
Ages: Picture Book, Young Children
Themes: snow, seasons, children, memory
Info: full color illustrations
Source: our public library
Special Note: if you purchase this book, a donation is made to a fund for Sandy Hook Schools

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