Thursday, January 14, 2016

Alan Rickman

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I am not emotionally attached to very many actors and actresses. But as I drove home from dropping my daughter off at school today, I heard the news that Alan Rickman died. I loved him in everything, but he gets a mention here because of his role as Snape in the movie version of the beloved children's series, Harry Potter by J.K. Rowling. (You may have heard of it.)

The first thing I saw him in was Pride & Prejudice as Colonel Brandon (1995). My favorite part is when he reads aloud to Marianne played by Kate Winslet. Here's a great clip of him as Snape where he uses silence as well as he uses his voice.

Thank you for indulging my sadness at the loss of a great actor and reading advocate. Are you an Alan Rickman fan? What is your favorite role that he played?

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