Wednesday, January 27, 2016

The Eye of Minds by James Dashner

They Eye of Minds is by James Dashner, the author of the well-known Maze Runner series (two of them have been made into a movie so far). This one has all the same kinds of thrills and adventures, but with a gaming twist. It imagines a world where virtual reality is so real, that gamers actually feel like they're in the game. 

This isn't my regular type of read, and lately I've become a little tired of series (because you never get to the end of the story!). But the ending to this one surprised me and made me want to read the next one.

This would be a great book for young adults who usually prefer video games to books. If you liked the Maze Runner series, you'd probably like this one too.

The Eye of Minds
By James Dashner
Publisher: Delacorte Press
Year: 2013
Ages: Young Adult
Themes: Science Fiction, Gaming, Thriller, Books for Boys

Find this book on Amazon (affiliate link) or at your local independent bookstore.

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