Tuesday, January 12, 2016

Yummy: Eight Favorite Fairy Tales by Lucy Cousins

"If you want your children to be intelligent, read them fairy tales." - Albert Einstein

There's lots of research showing that kids should be read fairy tales. And not the nicefied Disney version of Cinderella, but the original where the one of the stepsisters chops off her toes to try to fit into the glass slipper. Have you ever read any originals? They're far more gruesome than the versions we see in the movies.

One of my favorite books of fairy tales is Yummy by Lucy Cousins. The eight fairy tales she chose for this version revolve around food--whether Goldilocks is eating the three bears' porridge, or Red Riding Hood is getting eaten by a wolf. These versions hark back to the originals, without being too much for little kids even with the illustrations. (And don't worry, the woodsman chops the wolf open and Red Riding Hood and her grandmother emerge whole and unharmed.)

Do you have a favorite book of fairy tales?


Yummy: Eight Favorite Fair Tales
By Lucy Cousins
Published by Candlewick Press
Year: 2009
Ages: Picture Books, Young Children

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