Friday, January 1, 2016

Where to Find Good Book Recommendations

Instead of a list of best books of 2015, I'm going to share with you some of my sources for finding good book recommendations.

My best source is a couple of friends with similar tastes--if they like it, I'll probably like it. Besides a friend, you can check this blog since I obviously have great taste in books.

Another good source is Indie Bound. It's an association of independent booksellers who put out a monthly list of books they love. They only put out a children's list every quarter, but you can look through past lists as well.

The New York Times Bestsellers List is another obvious list to turn to. There you will find the most well known new books. This one is hit or miss for me. I don't always love what is most popular, but just because it's popular doesn't necessarily mean I won't like it.

Newbery Award Winning Books are the best of the best. Some of the earliest ones are a little strange, but in the last 30 years or so, every single one that's made the list is excellent. The Honor Books are great as well, sometimes better. It's a really good resource for finding good Middle Grade and Young Adult books.

Your school or local librarian reads a lot of books and is up to date on the industry. When I worked in a middle school library, I saw and read the back of hundreds of books every week. A librarian can help you best if you mention a few books you like and ask for something similar.

Do you have any sources you check when you're looking for something new to read?

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